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Sometimes talk therapy isn't what you're looking for, or what you need.  Our brains and body store memories and traumas in different ways, and sometimes it takes methods that can access them more deeply, in a way just talking can't.  

You don't have to suffer through nightmares, flashbacks, a racing mind, or agitated body.  Techniques like EMDR and ART are very effective and can bring relief very quickly.

What are EMDR & ART:

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy)  These are unique, efficient, and highly effective therapy techniques for deeper mental, emotional, and physical healing.  They were designed for trauma, but extensive research has shown that it is effective for a variety of issues, as well as improving confidence and performance.

EMDR & ART utilize bilateral stimulation (stimulating both sides of the brain) in the therapy process to help make more significant shifts in your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, as well as physical sensations.  This was originally done with eye movements, hence the name.  Eyes would be directed to look side to side, similar to what they do during REM sleep when you are processing information in your sleep and dreams.  However, now there are a variety of ways to use bilateral stimulation, such as tones in the ears, tapping on the hands, etc. Commonly people will choose to hold small pods in their hands that give a light vibration alternating between the two hands. Any option is equally effective.

EMDR can be very effective for:

  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • Flashbacks, disturbing memories, nightmares
  • Stuck feelings or patterns you haven't been able to shift with talk therapy
  • Anger or rage
  • Grief
  • and more...

How EMDR & ART are different from talk therapy:

Talk therapy helps you identify your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, and processes them verbally with a therapist.  The therapist is trained to help guide you through this process and help you verbalize your experience into a new understanding. This is very effective for many people, and is beneficial in a variety of ways.

EMDR & ART require much less talking.  They allow the brain to do more of the work on its own, as it already knows how to do. The methods along with the trained skill of the therapist as your guide, help the brain reprocess information that talk therapy perhaps has not been able to reach, or has simply been ineffective for.

Not all processing and healing can be verbalized into words. In addition, some people fear or avoid therapy because they don't want to "talk about their problems" or go over every detail of what has happened to them. Therefore, EMDR & ART can be a great addition to talk therapy, or an alternative option.

The brain and body get overwhelmed when so many thoughts, memories, and sensations are bombarding your system all at once.  EMDR and ART help the brain to organize all of these thoughts and memories, process them effectively, and file them away into past memories. You no longer have to relive them as if they are still happening now. The memories are not gone, but they are contained safely as past memories so you are able to live in the present moment again and start having new and healing experiences.

EMDR & ART might be a good option for you if:

  • You dread having to talk a lot about your problems
  • You have tried traditional talk therapy and it was not helpful
  • You have memories or images you can't get out of your mind
  • You get intense physical reactions you don't understand, or feel you can't control
  • You seem to be triggered by memories or incidents, and react quickly emotionally or physically
  • You are numb, and need to escape often (alcohol, drugs, internet, etc.)
  • You are avoiding people, places, relationships etc.

If you're ready to take back your life, give us a call.